Useful agencies
Support for young people
EikOnline Virtual Youth Club - A virtual youth club using social media platforms such as Teams, Instagram and more.
CYP Haven - A safe space for 10-18 year olds to talk about their worries and mental health.
The Mix - Information and advice for 13–25 year olds on a wide range of subjects.
Childline - Information, advice and support for young people on a range of subjects.
Kooth - Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people aged 11-24.
Young Minds - Information on young people’s mental health.
Safe Space Health - Information for young people about mental and physical health.
Healthy Surrey - Help and resources for children's mental health and wellbeing.
Surrey Youth Counselling Service - Free, confidential counselling for 12-24 year olds. Call 0345 600 2516 to self-refer.
Jigsaw - Supporting young people through the loss of a loved one.
The Parent Handbook - A reference book for parents and carers of 11-19 year olds in Surrey.
Netmums Parenting Course - An 8-week email course covering a range of topics to increase parenting confidence.
MindEd for Families - Information on parenting and supporting young people’s mental health.
Child and Family Health Surrey (01883 340922) - Support for all aspects of child health, development and parenting.
Family Links - The Centre for Emotional Health - Helping you get the best out of family life. Webinars and resources to help with parenting.
Emotional Support For Parents
Mind Matters - Talking therapies for adults in Surrey experiencing common mental health problems.
Ieso Digital Health - Text-based, online CBT sessions. Free for NHS patients in many areas of the UK.
Qwell - Online emotional wellbeing and mental health support for Surrey SEND parents.
Recovery College - Online courses and audio guides to improve mental health and help manage stress and anxiety.
Living with Worry - Free guide: "Living With Worry And Anxiety Amidst Global Uncertainty".
Other support & resources
Cruse - Support with grief and bereavement.
Your Sanctuary - Support for those experiencing domestic abuse.
Action for Carers - Support and information for carers and young carers.
Useful Apps
Headspace - Mindfulness for a range of situations, including soundtracks to help sleep.
MindShift CBT - This app uses tools based on CBT to help you overcome worry, panic, pressure for perfection etc.
Daylio - A self-care bullet journal system to track goals, moods and happiness.